
Do I Need Ground Penetrating Radar Service?

When customers discover that they may have a leak in underground water or sewer wipes, they know it is important to call a repair service immediately. However, a plumber may not be the best first choice. This is because many do not offer a ground penetrating radar service. 

Ground Penetrating Radar Service 

This service typically provided by leak detection specialists, provides a clear picture of pipe locations underground and potentially damaged areas. This fast and efficient alternative prevents homeowners and business owners from having large labor costs as a result of digging up pipe without a clear idea of its location. 

Once pipes have been clearly mapped, the most cost-effective solution for both residential and commercial properties can be employed. This typically does result in the use of a plumber. But, with the guide that a ground penetrating radar service can provide, homeowners and commercial property owners will likely find the final bill much more appealing.

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